Over the past three months we’ve watched attack after attacks on the queer community come from the legislatures across the country, from the 51 active anti-LGBT bills in Texas alone, to the cruel decision of WTAMU president, Walter Wendler, to cancel a student organized drag show fundraiser for The Trevor Project, in our own backyard.
We knew then it was time for Smile Big to branch into advocacy and activism as it’s so desperately needed right now for all minority organizations to rally together. What better day than Trans Day of Visibility for everyone make our voices heard across this city and this state?
At 4:30am sharp our cars pulled up to the roadside attraction with 15 gallons of paint, energy drinks, and an inspired group of early morning painters. We worked by the light of nine small – but shockingly mighty – plastic lanterns in teams of four. With our sporadic playlist bouncing from The Greatest Showman to Taylor Swift, we downed our coffees and hit the ground running.
Each team tackling their set of cars with paint and rollers as if our lives depended on it because in truth it does.
Painting was fun, despite the cold, the wind, and flat out exhaustion, but behind all of it was a mission that kept us moving at mach speed. Every day that these bills progress through our capitol halls, the despair our community faces grows deeper.
We know that suicide rates are on the rise, hate crimes are steadily increasing, and the rhetoric against us is only growing louder.
Today, it was our turn to be louder. Let’s never quiet down again.
All across the nation queer organizations and communities across the country took to the streets thanks to the helpful organization of Queer Youth Assemble. Smile Big helped lead marches in Amarillo and Lubbock, with the help of our friends at the Amarillo Area Transgender Advocacy Group

Just look at this amazing turn out from our President and Founder’s live feed here!
And if that isn’t enough we finished off the evening with the WTAMU drag show at Sam Houston Park, raising money for the Trevor Project, and enjoying a beautiful show together.
Today shows us what it feels like to live in a world where we have a community. We got to feel like straight people for a whole day, all about us all for us, all of US happy and smiling. Makes me want to cry.
Jenn Cochran, Director of Public Relations
Hands down, we came together, we made our voices heard, and we reminded each other just how much is possible when we come together as the family that we are.
Thank you to every single member who helped organize today and thank you to every member who painted in the cold or marched with fists held high in the streets. You are the change that the world needs, and Smile Big will be here to keep lighting the flame of hope as we prove that Love really does win!
We love you Smile Big Family, we really do.
-Noah Jade, Executive Secretary.