Smile Big Texas’ March for International Transgender Day of Visibility
Amarillo, TX – March 31, 2023 – March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility! Smile Big Texas is sowing our support for the transgender community by painting the cars at Cadillac Ranch pink, white, and blue in honor of transgender visibility!
The Cadillac Ranch has transitioned!
We encourage the community to go out and get your pictures taken with the cars and add your own messages of pride! Additionally, we will be holding our March for Queer and Transgender Youth Autonomy later on this evening.
As an organization that stands for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, we are proud to offer the local queer community the opportunity to Join with others around the world and march to demonstrate our pride and unity.
Given the multitude of ant-trans, anti-LGBTQ+ bills, and blatant hatred that the community is facing, Smile Big wants our youth to know that we love, support, accept, and stand with our transgender family!
We invite all LGBTQ+ community members and allies alike to join us March 31st, 2023 at 5:00pm on the steps of the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce (1000 S. Polk).
We will march from the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce to the Potter County Courthouse (500 S. Fillmore). Attendees are encouraged to bring signs, flags, and most importantly PRIDE!
Let’s fill the streets and show our community that we will fight for our community’s common goals of safety, autonomy, and joy!!!
– Jennifer Cochran, Director of Public Relations